RS Trading GmbH. Fertilization Technology.
Technology for blending & handling of fertilizers
We mix it!
RS Trading GmbH, based in Pfaffenhofen (Bavaria), is leading supplier for fertilizer blenders with more than 400 content customers worldwide. Gentle mixing technique, homogeneous blend achievement, exact weighing technology by Siemens, high power of impact and longevity as well as reliable service of RS Trading GmbH distinguish the company and its products. The sales area today reaches from Europe to West Africa. With longtime experience also the portfolio has grown: From fertilizer blenders, to big-bag filling stations, RST fertilizer tanks, specific sprayer systems up to elevators and conveyor belts, the technique required for the logistics starting with storing to the point of finishing of fertilizers is offered by RS Trading GmbH today.
Application of granulated and liquid fertilizer blends offers an economically attractive possibility to nourish agricultural crops individual to their nutritional requirements and thereby to avoid nutrient surplus – which spares the environment as well as the farmer’s wallet in equal measure. In only one crossing, the crops are nourished with all nutrients, feasible through individually calculated formulations which reach nearly all nutrient ratios.

Specific nutrient supply of agricultural crops is today and will be in the future essential component of modern agriculture which has to act and react in a historically unprecedented area of conflict by social, ecological and economic claims. To come up to the requirements of an eco-friendly nutrient supply in the long-term, an individual culture-specific nutrient supply is essential. Restrictions by law through a strict fertilization ordinance in the supply of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphate require a higher output efficiency of these elements which can be achieved not by higher input but only through their concurrence with complementary nutrients such as Sulphur.